Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 4--Happy 4th of July!

The day began early again with our CA Caucus meeting at 7AM. We continued through the legislation that would come up on the RA floor and I tracked our oppose and support positions for Virginia. News from Sacramento after CTA call for phone calls yesterday, said that the Governor was reconsidering his call to spend Prop 98. Today we had to vote on candidates for the NEA Board as soon as we adjourned at 9AM. It was amazing how smoothly the process goes--after showing both delegate and picture ID we went to designated counters to sign for our ballots, then moved through to the voting carousels and exited by putting our ballots into the tabulating machine. Our 1100 members were through in about 15 minutes!
At the RA, after opening ceremonies we took up the By Law Amendments which we will vote on tomorrow. I delivered the day's gifts for the VA contact and her president along with the CA Caucus positions. The CA delegation was asked to stay to support David Sanchez during his press conference when the rest of the RA took a 30 minute break around 2PM. It was very moving to be part of that--as a State Contact I got to stand on stage while the State Presidents delivered their postcards to the podium to be delivered by the CA delegation to the Governor's office here in San Diego on Monday. We had posters to hold and in addition to David, an 8 year teacher spoke on the RIF notice she received here at the RA (this is the first time CA has had to do summer layoffs and districts have until 8/15 to do them.) Next was the 4th of July celebration--historical readings, music, etc. We then went back to New Business Items. It's 3:30 and we are going until 6PM! More later or tomorrow!

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