Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Travel Day-Tuesday 6/30/09

Arrived at Randi's house and loaded her car...we have enough stuff to be gone for at least a month now! Made it to the Manchester Hyatt in San Diego around 3:30..including a stop for lunch in Long Beach! We checked in, dropped our things in our room and went out to check out the hotel. We then headed over to the Gas Lamp District where we had dinner at Dick's Last Resort. At 7:30 we headed to the 2nd floor at the hotel to register for the California Caucus. We encountered our first set of lines: lines to register, lines to buy the CTA shirts, lines to get our tickets for CTA Night at the Padres Baseball Game, and lines for our free t-shirts w/NCLB slogans on them for meeting w/Arne Duncan, the Secy. of Education. We then carried everything back to our room and sat down to figure out our schedule for tomorrow. Randi got us a beautiful room on the 30th floor with a beautiful view--the aircraft carrier Midway is just below us. Tomorrow is all CA Caucus meetings with the game in the evening.

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